Boost Your Energy This December: Top Essential Oils for Adrenal Health

It’s December and I’m LOVING the feel of this winter season. Okay okay, I’m spending it here in Southern California, in Palm Desert. It’s no white Christmas. But it’s just chilly enough for me to snuggle up in a puffy jacket and be able to wear ski socks at night.

Evan has just returned home from a 4 month bout in the Philippines so the holiday month feels extra special and cozy.

I know the holidays can mean running around from party to party, overspending and sometimes getting stuck in overwhelm instead of slowing down and taking time to breathe in the beauty of the season.


  1. Take 1 drop of Peppermint and rub into temples, swipe hand across forehead and then rub into the back of your neck. That single drop makes SUCH an IMPACT on my energy in the morning.

  2. You can also enjoy 1 drop in your coffee grinds for a little Peppermint Latte!

So today I want to share with you a few recipes you can use to energize your days and keep your body WELL SUPPORTED for the winter.


  1. Whip up a big glass of water with Pink Pepper and OnGuard OR Pink Pepper and Wild Orange.

    I ran out of OnGuard because I’ve been doing this for the past 3 weeks, so I recently switched to Wild Orange. I SWEAR this combo helped me overcome a cold last week.


  1. Enjoy 1 drop of Frankincense under the tongue to clear away brain fog and to help you focus during your day. Evan starts every day with a few drops of Frankincense.



The Adrenal Glands churn out important hormones that help us feel energized and also contribute to our hormone health, even our kidney health. They also produce those adrenaline hormones when we are in a state of survival or "fight-or-flight".

The best way to support adrenal health is a combination of stress reducing essential oils, promoting a healthy inflammatory response (rather then the typical hyper-inflammatory response many of us experience) and supporting the hormone creating glands themselves.


Recipe 1:

In a 5mL bottle combine:

5 drops Basil

5 drops Frankincense

5 drops Copaiba

5 drops Rosemary

5 drops Geranium (or Rose)

Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil


Recipe 2:

In a 5mL bottle combine:

10 drops Zendocrine blend

10 drops Copaiba

10 drops Fankincense


Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil

Recipe 3:

In a 5mL bottle combine:

10 drops Zendocrine Blend

10 drops Immortalle

7 drops Basil

7 drops Copaiba

Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil


DIRECTIONS: Rub blend over adrenal gland morning, noon and night (or as often as needed) for sustained energy and grounded emotions during your holiday season.

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